The Ultimate Solar-Powered Battery-Charger

by | Jul 5, 2011 | Uncategorized

“If you don’t have battery power, you got nuttin’.” Quote me on that. Which is why extra batteries, cords, car chargers and sometimes generators can be invaluable especially during emergency situations.

Instead of buying all these accessories and schlepping them around with you (which can add a lot of weight to backpacks and briefcases), new types of universal battery chargers are popping up on the market. They are easier to carry but you never know if the chargers themselves have power.

That issue is now resolved with a simple device I found called powerBAR 3500. It is a multi-functional solar-powered battery charger and luckily we have no shortage of sun. Green is good nowadays which makes the powerBAR even better – renewable energy is the way to go.

Its design resembles an iPhone making it lightweight and able to tote most anywhere. To ensure it is never without power it comes packaged with a charging cable ready to plug in to a computer, AC adapter or car charger. One touch of a button lets you see the internal power with blue LED lights.

While this is a perfect device to keep in your car or office for extra power, this comes in most handy during electricity outages when power is needed to run cell phones, digital cameras, GPS devices, mp3 players or even Bluetooth headsets.

Many of these portable chargers I have seen run well over $100 so the price tag of $59.95 makes this even sweeter. Never leave home without at least one powerBAR 3500.